Project's activities
All countries developed national analyses on the criminal justice response and on victims' experiences and perceptions of the way the justice system is responding to their protection needs. A special focus was put on risk assessment procedures, victims' protection mechanisms and referral procedures.
Research methods included:
- Quantitative and qualitative analyses of case files (police, public prosecutors, courts)
- semi-structured interviews with victims who have experienced the justice system and with practitioners.
Both national and European reports were produced throughout the different stages of the project. These reports include:
- Literature review setting the theoretical and conceptual framework of INASC's approach;
- Comparative analysis of each national context with regard to relevant legal frameworks, protection procedures
- Literature review, including best practices; information on the legal framework and description of protection procedures and mechanisms
- National and cross-country analysis of the results of the case files screening
- Reports on the results of a qualitative analysis of justice system's perceptions and practices regarding protection needs and risks
- A comparative analyses of the national findings
The project also produced a common criminal justice toolkit based on a human rights approach to domestic violence. In each country specific toolkits were developed which.
National advisory committees composed by relevant key experts have been set up in the five countries, to provide feedback, advice and assistance as requested at each stage of the project. Committee members were experts from the administration, government, police, judiciary and from organisations of victims' support agencies, especially domestic violence programs.
A conference was held in the final stage of the Project at the launch of the Project's outcomes, in order to share experiences and best practices between experts and relevant key experts and politicians. The project timeline was from February 2014 till March 2016.